Thursday, July 15, 2010


after so much, i still decided to settle down to blogspot.
so much for livejournal and tumblr
blogspot is still my first and final love :)

i wanted a change, a new place.
discarded my old blog coz its OLD. LOL

anw, lately i have been thinking alot about my weight n size.
god, its a never ending girl issue.
i made myself a quick start this week.
ran 20mins + for 2 particular days
kept telling myself, ''exercise will relieve stress. i need the relieve''

its just so depressing coz:
1. i've got no company = bored = always in my own world, finding things to think's
in camp on weekdays and i've only got a work-life (and its not a LIFE).
2. i love eating! preying on all t
he junkies and oil-es. mood swings make me crave for a bite and its hard to control. i often regret to the max after i swallow but its too late. and no, im not bulimic.
3. exercise doesnt get me anywhere! seriously, if it did, i wont be so depressed. BF always tried to motivate me, telling me all the real facts but if it did work, why would i be complaining! i only need to see a tiny result to motivate me to keep me going but im always shattered. (okay, probably coz i did not constantly exercise. yes, im deciving myself again)
4. i wana fit into M size bottoms. the fats there are the last to get rid off! small top, big bottom. i hate it.
5. i am so tempted to get into a slimming centre. be it marine france, cityspa or what so ever. too much TV these days. i wish i could get sponsered and get free/cheap treatment. why aint i in such a luck to bump into them!
6. i read about lipo, vaser; they sound really scarry with all the bruising and post treatment effects but then again, for beauty and target spots, i think they are still the best. but 1 mth of rest is fat-hope! im still under a contract. boo-hoo.
7. ever since BF started his service to the country, he lost weight. 1mth and he lost 10kg. wtf! where was did all the talking about starting the recruiting of the girls in 1989 went to!

sign. sign. sign.
this first post is making me ill.

the ASOS summer sale is on and i got myself a top and will be ordering a tee for BF!

i've gt a craze bout sexy-backs!
no lace this time round! hahaha

i keep telling BF that superdry looks so cheena with the chinese characters on it! lol

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